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Autism Outreach for Schools

User Agreements

There is no diagnostic requirement for referral to Autism Outreach for Schools, however we would ask you to consider the following factors when referring, in order to ensure that we are using resources as effectively as possible;

  • Are autism-related difficulties the main area of concern for this pupil?
  • Would this pupil benefit from autism-specific support strategies?
  • Is this pupil still attending school? We are a school’s service, so we can advise on strategies to get back into school, but we are unable to support pupils out of school
  • Please consider which of the Surrey services would be most appropriate for the needs of this pupil. Other Surrey services, include STIPS, SALT, REMA and EPs – please refer to the local offer. If a pupil is already being seen by another service for the same concern, we will not be able to prioritise your referral

For more information about making referrals, visit https://www.autismoutreachforschools.uk/Referrals2024/


The Autism Outreach for Schools service will:

  • Focus on how the pupil is functioning during observations and/or 1:1 conversations with the pupil (as appropriate for the age/phase)
  • Meet with Parent/carers if requested either by the school or parent/carer
  • Provide feedback to staff following observations and arrange further observations as required
  • Provide a written report following the AOFS visit, which will include recommendations and suggested strategies
  • Organise follow-up visits as required on a case-by-case basis
  • Provide a universal offer, promoting Autism awareness within mainstream settings


 By submitting a referral, the school is committing to;

  • Take responsibility to ensure that parent/carers have given their consent to Outreach involvement prior to referral to the service and send the referral to the AOFS team before the visit
  • Attach the pupil’s timetable to the referral, along with any pertinent reports (secondary)
  • Provide an opportunity for AOFS staff to observe the pupil in a typical school setting and/or meet with the pupil in a suitable room
  • Facilitate an opportunity for AOFS Staff to feedback to the class teacher/LSA/SENCO following the Observation and/or conversation with pupil
  • Schedule a timetable for observations and meetings, which makes effective use of time
  • Invite parents/carers to discuss concerns and support suggestions with AOFS and school staff, (format to be agreed with the AOFS staff member)
  • Take responsibility for delivering the suggestions and recommendations by the AOFS service and feedback for the AOFS service in order to inform the next visit
  • Ensure that one copy of the AOFS report is sent to the parents/carer of the child and the relevant members of staff working with the pupil. In some cases it will also be appropriate to share the report with the pupil, particularly in secondary
  • Provide an evaluation of the service annually


 Click here to download a copy of this agreement 

As part of the Outreach service, we welcome visitors to our schools and the team are often visitors in others settings.  We will act to ensure that all settings we work in are safe places for pupils, staff and other members of our community. If a parent/carer, or professional has concerns we will always listen to them and seek to address them.

However, abusive, threatening or violent behaviour will not be tolerated. If such behaviour occurs we will follow the procedures outlined in the Surrey County Council guidance – ‘Keeping Schools Safe’.