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Autism Outreach for Schools

Delivering Surrey Cygnet 

Are you a professional with experience in supporting families of young people with Autism? Could you deliver courses for parents and carers  in Surrey?  

The 4th edition of Barnardos Cygnet programme has been developed by a dedicated team of parents and carers of autistic children, autistic adults and young people, along with experienced practitioners and facilitators. It is up to date with research and language that supports a neuro-affirmative approach to understanding autism and neurodiversity. For more information please visit their website. https://barnardos-parenting.org.uk/


Cygnet Course Content:

Session 1 – Introduction

Session 2 – Overview

Session 3 – Thinking & Sensory

Session 4 – Social Interaction & Communication

Session 5 -Understanding and supporting behaviour.

Session 6 -Analysing behaviour.

 Surrey are looking to re-establish our cygnet training offer for parents, in partnership with Autism Outreach for Schools (AOFS). The AOFS team will manage all of the central admin for the courses, including taking bookings from parents and organising venues.  We are looking for facilitators who can deliver Cygnet programs, including those who are happy to be shadowed by other professionals to deliver courses in a train-the-trainer model. Cygnet is targeted at parents of children from ages 5-18. We have future plans to add further parent courses in the future, such as Early Bird (for unders5s) and Teen Life


Who can be a Cygnet facilitator?

No particular qualification or job role is needed. We just ask that;

  • You have at least 3 years of working with CYP with autism and their families.
  • You can commit to running one cygnet course per year
  • Some of the cygnet courses will be delivered in-person and others on-line, some during the working day and some as twilight sessions – we are looking for a range of options to take place in each Quadrant of Surrey and therefore we can be flexible with how/where you would like to deliver


How will I be trained?

You will shadow one of our existing fascilitators delivering a Cygnet course to a group of parents. You will then have the support of our network of fascilitators, along with some central support and quality assurance from the Autism Outreach for Schools team at Freemantles.


What does my organisation get?

Running cygnet will be useful to raise the profile of your organisation with parents and give something back to our local community. For each cygnet course that you run, your organisation can claim £2000 for cover costs.


What if I would like to deliver cygnet to parents, but I don’t want to train other facilitators?

That is fine – just let us know when you register your interest and we will contact you when the next opportunity arising to arrange for you training. Feel free to also let us know if you would prefer to train to deliver Early Bird or Teen Life and we will contact you when that becomes available.


How do I get involved?

Please complete the Expression of Interest form here and return it to parenttraining@freemantles.surrey.sch.uk