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Autism Outreach for Schools


The staff from all schools working in the Autism Outreach for Surrey Team prioritise the safeguarding of children and young people. All staff working in the Autism Outreach teams:

• Will have had the appropriate induction and regularly updated safeguarding training, including signing to say they have read the first two sections of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) on an annual basis.

• Will recognise their responsibility and duty of care to act to prevent a potential safeguarding incident from occurring.

• Will understand the requirement upon them to notify the Autism Outreach for Schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the local DSL of the school concerned (in consultation with the AOfS DSL) of any safeguarding concerns (including low level concerns) that arise in the course of their work and follow up on actions. Staff should inform any school-based staff who have also witnessed an incident that the protocol is that the outreach staff should also report even if the school staff member reports too.

• Will understand how to record incidents appropriately to assist school in their further actions and resolution.

• Will recognise their responsibility to report any concerns about surrey staff / adults volunteering with the children to the AOfS DSL and subsequently to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) and await guidance from them on any further action.

• Any systemic Safeguarding concerns following a visit would be reported immediately to the SCC Commissioning lead officer by the AOfS DSL and followed up 

• If the staff members concerns are about the AOfS DSL they can take their concerns to the DSL / headteacher of the Outreach School and access the LADO through this route.

Freemantles, as the lead school:

• Will provide, train, update and support the AOfS DSL to ensure they are fully equipped to undertake the role.

• Support the steering group to be responsible for ensuring that safeguarding is a permanent agenda item and that all safeguarding procedures are in place and being followed.

• The AOfS DSL will be responsible for:

• Ensuring that Surrey officers and the LADO are effectively communicated with as required in relation to any recorded incidents

• Ensuring all staff in the teams are appropriately updated in their training and aware of their responsibilities

• Coordinating records of staff training, safeguarding incidents and subsequent actions that the team have taken.