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Autism Outreach for Schools

Cygnet Parent Programme

 A support programme for parents and carers of children and young people, aged 5-18, who are autistic.

Parents of autistic children face the usual positives and challenges of parenting and quite a few more. Attending a Cygnet autism support programme gives parents and carers an opportunity to develop their understanding of autism and consider ways to support their child.

It also provides the opportunity to meet other people in a similar position and hear about their experiences in an informal but supportive atmosphere.

The Cygnet course is designed by and run on behalf of Barnardos  Parent/carer application form  

 When and where is Cygnet delivered?

Courses will be taking place all over Surrey at a range of times and locations. Some courses will be delivered online. When you complete the application form, tell us what you would prefer and we will contact you when a suitable course becomes available.

 Who can attend cygnet sessions?

Parents, carers or other family members who have responsibility for your child. You child needs to be between the ages of 5-18 and live in Surrey. They may have a diagnosis of autism, or be waiting for one.

 What does Cygnet involve?

The core Cygnet programme is delivered over six two and a half to three-hour sessions which cover;

  • Session 1: Introduction session

This session will help you become familiar with the programme and meet other parent and carers who will be part of your group. You will have an opportunity to ask questions before we start to think about what we already know about autism and what we will find out about as we go through the sessions.

  • Session 2: Parent and carer experience and autism overview

This session will think about the parent / carer journey so far and individual experiences and needs. A brief overview of how an autistic child may experience the world, which will be expanded on in subsequent sessions. Session two will finish by acknowledging children’s strengths and the challenges they may experience.

  • Session 3: Thinking and Sensory

This session will look at the differences autistic children have in relation to social imagination and how they can benefit from routine and special interests. The session will also look at how an autistic child experiences the environment in relation to their senses.

  • Session 4Social interaction and Communication

This session will look at differences in the way we socially interact and communicate and the reasons for some of these differences.

  • Session 5: Understanding and supporting behaviour

This session will look at and consider the reasons for behaviour that may feel challenging. The session will provide opportunities to recap on supportive strategies that have been shared in previous sessions as well as looking into additional strategies that can offer support for your child.

  • Session 6: Analysing behaviour

This session will use two simple frameworks to analyse behaviour and then spend time thinking about the best way to support the child and address any challenges they or you are experiencing.

For more information about Cygnet and testimonials from people who have taken the programme, visit https://barnardos-parenting.org.uk/

Who will deliver my Cygnet course?

Surrey’s Cygnet offer is coordinated through the Autism Outreach team, based at Freemantles school, but our team of trainers are made up from professionals working across Surrey in education, health and charity organisations.

 Parent/carer application form